Punca, ja bi stabom gunce afno,
na Kongresnome trgu s marmeladom jedu krafno.
Zate vrgo bi se z mosta,
jer tvoje ljubavi, meni nikad nije dosta.
Zate štihno bi človeka,
kupim ti butik alpa cela apoteka.
To pjeva cjela diskoteka,
pijem vodka-đusk alpa koka-loka đeka!
Provalim u stan, a tebe tamo nema,
pogledam u ćošak, kamera me snema.
Kerovi se laju, policija stiže,
meni pa se mala, še na tebe diže.
I want you back, to the rhythm attack,
majk ček, ti si mi ko crack,
strpam te u gepek i gremo na piknik.
Follow to the rhythm of the voice.
I tell you this, something crazy from the sky
like a feather, I comes and say.
Everything whats on my mind,
everything is gonna be ok,
everything will happen for a reason.
Take this song, dance and make you smile!